Green tea is obtained from unfermented leaves. Research has also shown that it reduces your cholesterol level. However, the level of reduction differs from person to person. It lowers the amount of bad cholesterol in the body and leaves the good cholesterol unaffected. How effective the green tea would be depends on the amount of tea you consume on a daily basis. The more you consume the better it would be to have some control on your cholesterol levels.
How does green tea lower the bad cholesterol?
Green tea has large amounts of Epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG and catechin polyphenols. EGCG is nothing but a really strong antioxidant that has the power to suppress the development of cancer causing cells, lower your LDL or bad cholesterol level, and also control the formation of irregular blood clots.
The main reason why green tea is acknowledged as a fantastic choice for good health is because of its negligible processing or fermentation. Instead of fermenting, the green tea leaves are steamed unlike black tea. As a result of this, there is no chance for the EGCG compound to get oxidized. It makes EGCG and catechins a lot more thick and concentrated.
Green tea is not a prescription medicine that should be used for reducing LDL or bad cholesterol levels. But many doctors recommend it to their heart patients and there is a clear indication that it can lower the level of bad cholesterol in your body. When taken on a daily basis, green tea lends can help you with many health benefits and can even reduce the occurrence of heart diseases.
Green tea and healthy living for better results
Green tea is a simple option for reducing your body cholesterol level but if you are in a high risk zone, you cannot merely depend on green tea alone. If you intend to lower your cholesterol level, you must consume green tea while avoiding food containing high amount of cholesterol. Apart from that you should also indulge in some sort of physical exercise regularly.
The ideal way to know whether green tea really works for you is by testing your cholesterol level every now and then. You must keep a tab on your cholesterol numbers before and after each month of consuming green tea every day.