. The reason green tea is said to contribute to good health is because the content of flavonoids in a cup of green tea is much higher than in the same quantity of any other drink and food item.
Great for those on the move
Green tea is fast replacing regular tea as the beverage of choice for individuals of all age groups – young and old. In our busy lifestyle, it is obvious to look for quicker and easier alternatives to get a cup of green tea on your desk. Green tea bags are a great option for people who lead busy lives and are always on the move. When you have no time for brewing a cup, just boil a hot cup of water and let the green tea bag rest in it for a while. The time you allow the tea bag to rest in the cup of water determines the strength of flavor it yields. So if you like strong flavored tea, let it stay for a while longer.
Travel with green tea bags
Green tea bags can be a great accompaniment while traveling or on vacation. When traveling by road, you can easily carry a flask of hot water, stop to pour a cup for yourself, infuse the tea bag and enjoy a great cup of green tea on the go! While on vacation, all the extravagant eating in restaurants and outside eateries can also bog down your system. You may require instant relief. Instead of popping a pill, try a quick cup of green tea by reaching out for your tea bag.
It is said that the beneficial properties of green tea bags is equivalent to those found in loose tea leaves. This point is sometimes counter argued by pure green tea leaf consumers who believe that the Catechins concentrations are higher in the whole leaf, making them a better choice.
Although there are limitless varieties of green tea available in the market today, they all come the tea plant ‘Camellia sinensis’. You can also choose from a variety of flavors. Some of the Japanese origin green tea include names like Sencha, Bancha, Gyokuro, Matcha and Kukicha among several others.