Matcha green tea, genmai tea fresh from Kyoto Japan
Welcome to, the exclusive online retail site for Matabay Matcha Green Tea, and your source for the best Uji tea available to the world!
Matcha is a premium Japanese green tea that is atypical from other tea in both appearance and color. Unlike regular tea, bagged or brewed, available in the form of dried leaves, Matcha green tea...
Tea is grown in many parts of the world – China, India, Japan and many other places. Tea grown in each country is distinctive and unique. A green tea from Japan differs from green tea from China...
, moisture and any other unstable matter in the environment. Among the types of catechin , Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is the one with the strongest antioxidant, and green tea carries more...
The regular cup of green tea that you have, although healthy, doesn’t have the potential to absorb all its nutrients. In fact, we consume only a fraction of it. When you whisk out a cup of hot...