Matcha Super Premium
Uji, Kyoto is known for the absolute highest grade Matcha in Japan, and no other region can even come close to claiming that they produce a Matcha that rivals even a middle grade Matcha from Uji. The art of growing Matcha was developed here in Uji, and is the closest kept secret around.
Thick Green Tea Matcha Koi-cha
Our super premium grade Matcha is a Koi-cha (thick tea) that is commonly used for traditional tea ceremony. This tea is full of flavor, smooth, rich, and naturally sweet. You can use extra large heaps of this tea without causing the tea to go bitter.
Cheaper High grade Matcha
This is by far the most affordable of our Koi-cha, and is actually cheaper than most Matcha of the same grade and quality. Often, you will find similar blends of the same grade of Matcha sold as the “highest grade Matcha available”, even in Japan. While this is partially true, considering that Koi-cha is the highest grade of Matcha available, the truth of the matter is that it is rare that Matcha of higher quality ever reaches the “public market”, especially online. This is not to say that this blend is not recommended, far from it! This is an absolutely excellent Matcha that we are proud to be able to offer.
Amount: 40g (1.41oz)
Container: Custom Matabay Steel Container
Matabay Matcha
Uji, Kyoto is known for the absolute highest grade Matcha green tea in Japan, and no other region can even come close to claiming that they produce a Matcha that rivals even a middle grade Matcha from Uji. The art of growing Matcha was developed here in Uji, and is the closest kept secret around.
Green Tea with 126 years of History
Matabay specializes exclusively in growing high quality Uji Matcha, and for the first time in our history, we are opening our doors to the “public market”. For 126 years, the Horii family has produced only the finest of teas, to be sold only to the top tea blenders, to be sold to an exclusive list of customers.
Skilled Green Tea Farming
In other words, the Matabay Matcha represents 126 years of skilled tea farming, and is a tea that we are extremely proud of. We are able to offer this tea for a reasonable price (compared to the quality that is), because this tea was grown by us, and because we wanted to offer an affordable ultra high grade Matcha green tea to the world. For us, this is not a matter of price; it is a matter of pride. It is our deepest desire that high quality Japanese tea can be delivered to tea lovers around the world, and in many ways we feel ashamed that very few quality Japanese teas ever reach those who truly appreciate the true value and flavor of Japanese tea. This green tea is our answer. If there was one tea in this site that we would love for you to try, this is it.
This tea is a Koi-cha (thick tea), which means you can use this tea for either Koi-cha or Usu-cha. This tea is naturally sweet, deep, full of aroma, smoother than silk, and mellow beyond belief.
Amount: 40g (1.41oz)
Container: Custom Matabay Steel Container
Matcha Pinnacle
Uji, Kyoto is known for the absolute highest grade Matcha in Japan, and no other region can even come close to claiming that they produce a Matcha that rivals even a middle grade Matcha from Uji. The art of growing Matcha was developed here in Uji, and is the closest kept secret around.
Matabay specializes exclusively in growing high quality Matcha. In short, we know our Matcha.
Pinnacle grade Matcha Green Tea
Our hand picked Pinnacle grade Matcha is a Matcha that can be rivaled by none. Unlike some other Japanese teas, Matcha is a blended tea. First, the base tealeaf is selected, then only the finest leaves from the finest plantations are hand selected for their color, aroma, flavor, and then blended to create a tea that is then ranked by its price and availability. This blend represents the absolute top of the Matcha hierarchy, hands down, no questions asked
Matcha for Grand Masters of Tea Ceremony
This Matcha, although quite expensive, is actually considered cheap compared to the effort associated in producing such a tea, and is favored especially by the grand masters of tea ceremony and those exclusive few that enjoy the fine art of only the finest Matcha.
The flavor, the color, the aroma, and the sweetness of this Matcha is simply unsurpassed. As this tea is a Koi-cha (thick tea), this can be used either as a Koi-cha, or as an amazing Usu-cha.
As the price may represent, this is in no way an everyday tea, and is for special occasions, or as special gifts in where quality does matter. This is not a tea to use for cooking, or to casually blend into other teas, and is recommended only for those who are experienced in Matcha.
Limited Supply Green Tea
We are proud to be able to present you with this tea, which is very, very limited in supply even in Japan, and hope you will enjoy the heavenly flavor that this tea has to offer.
Amount: 40g (1.41oz)
Container: Custom Matabay Steel Container
Matcha – Usu-cha Super Premium
Uji, Kyoto is known for the absolute highest grade Matcha in Japan, and no other region can even come close to claiming that they produce a Matcha that rivals even a middle grade Matcha from Uji. The art of growing Matcha was developed here in Uji, and is the closest kept secret around.
Usucha thin Japanese green Tea
Matcha in general is divided into 3 categories. Koi-cha (thick tea), Usu-cha (thin tea), and Cooking Matcha. Usu-cha, or sometimes known as ousu, is often used for tea ceremony, is used when serving to guests, and is what is served in the Zen Temples. Usu-cha is not intended for “thick” bowls of Matcha, but rather for the “lighter” bowls of Matcha, and is quite often preferred by those who drink Matcha daily.
Highest Grade of Usu-cha
Our super premium Usu-cha is what one may consider a “borderline koi-cha”, and is the highest grade of Usu-cha available. It is naturally sweet, mellow, does not have the bitterness found in lower grade Matcha, and is a beautiful deep green. Often, you will find this grade of Usu-cha sold as high class Matcha, or as “Koi-cha”, and in reality, unless you know your Matcha, or have tasted the most exquisite Matcha in the past, it would be hard to instantly taste the difference. It is that smooth, and has all of the fine qualities that a high class Matcha should have.
Green Tea for any occasion
This tea is for tea ceremony, for serving to guests, or for a fine cup for you yourself. This Matcha could be used for a Koi-cha, but is best as an Usu-cha. Also, although it could be used in cooking, or for other Matcha beverages, a much lower grade Matcha would suffice for that, and you would not be able to enjoy the full potential of this fine tea.
Matcha – Usucha Premium
Uji, Kyoto is known for the absolute highest grade Matcha in Japan, and no other region can even come close to claiming that they produce a Matcha that rivals even a middle grade Matcha from Uji. The art of growing green tea was developed here in Uji, and is the closest kept secret around.
Lighter Green tea Usucha
Green tea in general is divided into 3 categories; Koi-cha (thick tea), Usu-cha (thin tea), and Cooking Matcha. Usucha, or sometimes known as ousu, is used for tea ceremony, is used when serving Matcha to guests, and is the Matchat that is served in the Zen Temples. Usucha is not intended for “thick” bowls of Matcha, but rather for the “lighter” bowls of Matcha, and is quite often preferred by those who drink Matcha daily.
Affordable Usucha
Our premium grade Usucha, is a great option for those who want to enjoy an affordable, yet an extra delicious Matcha for tea ceremony or for a daily bowl of Matcha. This blend is known for its sweetness, smoothness, mellowness, and its lightness.
In reality, this grade of green tea is often the highest grade of green tea that the average Japanese will encounter in his or her daily life, unless he or she attends formal tea ceremonies.
Higher Quality Mactha Usucha
Although you could possibly use this Matcha for cooking, if you choose to do so, save it for those special dishes that require an extra rich flavor with a deeper green. Remember, this grade of Matcha, although mid-grade, is considered to be quite an outstanding blend for drinking, and may be a higher quality Matcha then the “high-class” Matcha that you can find locally!
Amount: 40g (1.41oz)
Container: Steel Container
Matcha – Usu-cha Superior
Uji, Kyoto is known for the absolute highest grade Matcha in Japan, and no other region can even come close to claiming that they produce a Matcha that rivals even a middle grade Matcha from Uji. The art of growing Matcha was developed here in Uji, and is the closest kept secret around.
Matcha Usucha for serving Gusts
Green tea in general is divided into 3 categories; Koi-cha (thick tea), Usu-cha (thin tea), and Cooking Matcha. Usu-cha, or sometimes known as ousu, is used for tea ceremony, is served when , and is the Matchat that is served in the Zen Temples. Usu-cha is not intended for “thick” bowls of Matcha, but rather for the “lighter” bowls of Matcha, and is quite often preferred by those who drink green tea daily.
Our superior grade Usu-cha is an entry level green tea that is great for drinking usu-cha, for tea ceremony, and does very well in many Matcha based beverages, such as green tea Lattes. This is a blend that is often used in tea-ceremony lessons.
Cooking with Matcha
Although this is our lowest grade of Usu-cha, you may find that this is a better blend than many of the Matcha’s that claim to be “high quality”. If you are new to Matcha, this is a great place to start. This blend is also good for use in cooking especially rich Matcha cakes, makes a wicked Matcha Icecream, and is also good for mixing it in with Sencha or other green teas in where you need an extra kick!
Amount: 40g (1.41oz)
Container: Steel Container
Cooking Matcha – Premium
Uji, Kyoto is known for the absolute highest grade Matcha in Japan, and no other region can even come close to claiming that they produce a Matcha that rivals even a middle grade Matcha from Uji. The art of growing Matcha was developed here in Uji, and is the closest kept secret around.
3 Categories of Matcha Powder
Matcha in general is divided into 3 categories; Koi-cha (thick tea), Usu-cha (thin tea), and Cooking Matcha. Cooking Matcha is often used for those who want to practice whisking the Matcha for their tea ceremony lessons, but would rather not use the more expensive blends.
Our premium grade cooking Matcha, is a blend for when the extra color and flavor of Matcha matters in you’re cooking and/or baking. This Matcha is a “borderline” Usu-cha, so it could be used for drinking, but lacks the sweetness and mellowness of Matcha of a higher grade, and can be somewhat bitter if used for brewing Matcha. However, it does great in Matcha based drinks that are made with milk or cream, such as Matcha milkshakes or Matcha lattes!
Matcha Cooking Powder
This is the Matcha used in the Matcha based cakes and/or deserts that are served in high-end restaurants and/or sweets shops. This Matcha is sometimes sold as entry level “drinking Matcha” (although once again, we do not recommend it if you want to drink straight Matcha!), so if you have had Matcha in the past and felt it was a little bitter, this may have been what you were drinking.
We offer this tea in larger bags, as the expected use is for cooking. Seal and store in the refrigerator to make sure that it keeps it flavor and aroma.
Amount: 200g (7.04oz)
Container: Aluminum Bag
Cooking Matcha – Superior
Uji, Kyoto is known for the absolute highest grade Matcha in Japan, and no other region can even come close to claiming that they produce a Matcha that rivals even a middle grade Matcha from Uji. The art of growing Matcha was developed here in Uji, and is the closest kept secret around.
3 Categories of Matcha
Matcha in general is divided into 3 categories; Koi-cha (thick tea), Usu-cha (thin tea), and Cooking Matcha. Cooking Matcha is often used by those who want to practice whisking the Matcha for their tea ceremony lessons, but would rather not use the more expensive blends.
Our superior grade cooking Matcha is excellent for all types of cooking/baking that involves Matcha. It is not recommended for using in a straight bowl of Matcha, but could be mixed into other drinks and teas.
Start Cooking with Matcha Green Tea
Cooking Matcha is not as thickly colored as drinking Matcha, and lacks the sweet mellowness of drinking Matcha, but don’t underestimate its potency when used for making sweets and cakes! It will produce some absolutely fantastic deserts.
We offer this tea in larger bags, as the expected use is for cooking. Seal and store in the refrigerator to make sure that it keeps it flavor and aroma.
Amount: 200g (7.04oz)
Container: Aluminum Bag